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This afternoon I went through the boys rooms with them and got rid of tons of stuff!  Well actually it’s in our garage in the garage sale stack.  Kennyth’s (8 yrs) room was easy.  We seriously trashed more than we put out to sell.  His toys consist of legos…lots and lots of legos.  He has his legos, his older brother’s legos, and his uncle’s legos…so yah, we have legos!!  Jayson’s (4 yrs) room was a little harder.  He doesn’t play with most of his toys because his favorite toys are things you can line up…he doesn’t really play with his cardboard castle kit.  He mostly had clothes that needed to go.  So off to the G-sale pile they went!

Once the hubbs got home we tackled the garage….well partially tackled it.  We went through a few things and trashed quite a bit there too.  But we mainly wanted to map out the garage into a few stacks.  We have a G-sale stack, a freecycle stack, and a spot for some couches that are making their way to our house on Sunday for the oldest kiddo.

So there it is….day 1 of organizing.

Now i’m off to top off some chocolate pies with cool whip for my brother and his girlfriend that are visiting tomorrow.

Yes…..I’m still entertaining at my house before we move…i’m crazy!!.