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Grandma Mary

This past year my boys have gotten real close with their great grandma.  We knew she was getting up there in age and have spent the last several holidays at her house so she wouldn’t have to travel.  She loved my boys so very much.  She was always hugging on them, talking about them, and just loved them so very much.

Well this past Saturday June 23, 2012 we lost Grandma Mary.  She went into surgery to have 7 bypasses and she just didn’t recover.  Grandma Mary was a kind woman and treated me like one of her own grandchildren.  She will be missed!

Below is a picture that was taken Christmas 2011.  Grandma Mary and her 7 great grandchildren.

Grandma and her 7 great grandchildren


As my in-laws were rummaging through a few of Grandma Mary’s things they came across this paper tucked away in her bible.  My father in-law read it at the funeral and it touched me so much I scanned it so I could keep it.  It was something she gave her mother years ago and reminded me of my mother who passed away 6 years ago next month.

When the Lord Created Mothers.