by jcastles | Nov 25, 2013 | Recipes
I’ve been asked so many times for instructions on how to make them I finally took pictures of my process to go with my written instructions. So here they are! I hope they’re easy to follow. If not PLEASE ask and I’ll update.
Here are the written instructions and photo’s: Cake Balls

by jcastles | Nov 13, 2013 | Family

So in the same week both my kids at 2 different schools have come home with a project where they need pictures. Ummmm, who prints off pictures these days?!! You? Oh well not us!! Seriously every time we have one of these projects I have to go through all my photos and either print out at home wasting tons of ink or send to Walmart to get the 1 hour (yah, I do that option). And….AND the kids have to help pick the pics so yah, that’s not quick!!!
Don’t get me wrong…….I’m totally fine with the project but at least give us a 2-3 weeks!!! It’s not as simple for some as it might be for others. Luckily this time one kiddo’s isn’t due until the end of November so PHEW and thank god for that teacher!
Ok…rant done now!!! Guess I’ll be digging into my picture folders tomorrow with the munchkins!
by jcastles | Nov 11, 2013 | Crafts, Holiday Crafts
The time has come…..I have now opened an Etsy Account!! All orders from now to November 27, 2013 will receive 10% off with the coupon code “messi10“!! Get your orders in now to beat the Holiday rush!!!
Here’s a direct link to my shop!

by jcastles | Nov 8, 2013 | Family
Since we moved up North we’ve lost our babysitter so going out isn’t really much of an option cause it’s friggin hard to find someone you trust when you know zero people in your new state! Back home my stepson would watch the kids and we’d go out. Not often but we would.
Well 6 months down the road w/out getting away from our kids together was starting to wear on me. I missed my husband!! I made a comment to the hubbs about taking a day off work so that we can spend it together when the kids are in school. And he did!!! Since I like to walk around and go window shopping we went into Seattle and browsed a very awesome antique store, shared a coke, and we each got some sweets at a bakery. By the time all that was done it was time to get the kids so it wasn’t all that much but it was worth it.
Since he has several days of vacation and we’re not going back home this year for the holidays we decided he should do this more often. Plus we’ve got to Christmas shop at some point for the munchkins! He took off this past Monday and boy was that day fantastic! Again we went into Seattle. I was tired of lugging my huge purse around so we stopped in the 3 story Target and bought me a shoulder purse (OMG I needed that!!). Next was Starbucks for a pick me up and right now they have my fav…Caramel Brûlée Latte!!! We then hit a few shops in the market, browsed others, and for the first time I bought fresh fish!!! It’s so cool to see them toss fish around. Next we decided to head to lunch. I’d found a Tex-Mex joint in Seattle and was soooooo excited. Found it, parked, walked up to the door only to find out they’re closed on Monday’s!! AAAAAHHHHH!! I was devastated. Onto our next choice… was closed too!! Our third choice we wound up settling on a different mexican food place that my husband was not fond of. It was good enough for me…but that’s probably because I’ve gone w/out mexican food for 6 whole friggin months!! If you know me that’s my favorite food!!! Then of course after that it was time to go again to get the kids from school. They get out so early here, lol!!
I’m so glad I’ve gotten to spend this quality time with my husband. He thinks I’m silly for looking so forward to these days with him but I know very few people here and the ones I do know are at work or too far for a day trip. He is my only true friend here. But that’s good I suppose. He knows me inside out and I realize every day how lucky I am to be able to be here in this state with my kids daily..
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