by jcastles | Apr 15, 2016 | Family, Holiday Crafts, Uncategorized
At the end of Easter last year I bought a box of fake eggs on clearance for like 25¢ that look like real eggs. I bought them because my kids like to dye eggs but they hate hard boiled eggs. So my thinking was why waste real eggs. Why not buy a box of these every year and let them color them and we get to save them every year. Yah, no. They suck….BIG TIME!!!! But the egg dipper was neat so we saved that!

So here we are ready to start. They were so excited to have 3 dozen eggs to color cause I hate coloring eggs. Actually it’s fun. I hate the set up and the sharing the eggs and colors. So this year with the fake eggs I decided to let them each choose their own coloring kit too. No fussing right! Well that actually worked. Problem is these eggs float. You have to hold them down so they’ll color. Then they don’t hold color that well so every color came out pastel, no matter how long you left it in there. UGH!

End result….SUCK! I do not recommend these for regular coloring. Maybe drawing on them with sharpies would be good but I dunno, I trashed them and will not buy anymore. Back to wasting regular eggs for this family!

by jcastles | Dec 22, 2013 | Crafts, Family, Holiday Crafts
There are several tutorials showing how to make your elf posable. Some require sewing skills. Some require snipping but no sewing. Well my instructions are as simple as can be and require no sewing or snipping of your elf. I have 2 options as well, my version and the hubbs version.
Option 1 (my version)
The simple 5 minute instructions.
You’ll need: wire (got mine at walmart in the DIY section-less than $2). Your elf. Wire cutters.
The simple posing elf is just making his arms and legs posable. Cut pieces of wire to the length of his/her arms/legs. Shove the wire into the seams starting at the toes/fingers. It goes in super easy. Make sure the end of the wire isn’t sticking out by either cutting it shorter or working it into the fabric. Voila your done! Seriously that’s it.

Option 2 (the hubbs version)
This option took about 30 min but it’s TOTALLY worth it!!!
You’ll need: the exact same needs as mentioned above.
The process is totally the same as above however instead of inserting the wire in the seams of the toes/arms it’s a bit different. You’ll need wire the length of the elf’s torso to toes. Start at the butt/leg seam and insert the piece going up the torso of the elf. Then shove the rest of the wire down the elf’s leg. Repeat on the other side and now his torso/legs are posable. For the arms you’ll get a piece of wire the length of fingertip to fingertip going across the neck/upper back area of the elf. From under the elf’s collar shove the wire in to the left or right (whichever way you want to start is fine). Then shove the other piece thru the other side of the elf’s arm/neck area. Now your elf’s arms can pose up and down and all around. Same with the legs and torso!
Enjoy your posable Elf!!
by jcastles | Dec 13, 2013 | Family, Holiday Crafts

This time of year is my absolute favorite time of year. The giving, the lights, the kindness, the joy in children’s eyes, and just being with family make me light up. This year it’s different for us because we can not go home to Texas to be with our family. It saddens us but at the same time it will be nice to stay in our jammies all day if we want to.
Every year we decorate the inside of our house as most do and do a little decorating outside. This year I didn’t want to do much decorating because I really hate taking it down. Plus this year I’m much busier than I was last year with my new Etsy shop and it took forever for us to even put the tree up. But just like a friend of mine told me I would I did do all the decorating that I usually do. And I’m glad I did. It brightens my day to see my tree lit and the lights out on the house.
One of our traditions is of course The Elf on The Shelf. I have a love/hate relationship with that little dude! I love how the kids love Ralphy but I hate figuring out what to do with that little guy every single night! A few other traditions are: we listen to Christmas music the entire month! Watch Elf, Christmas Vacation, and Christmas Story about a 100 times each. And drink as much hot chocolate as we can stand.
Every year we also choose two Angels off the Angel Tree in the mall. This year, in Washington, we couldn’t find an Angel Tree (guess it’s a southern thing). So my husband’s company helped out a foster family and we chose two kiddos. We always get one need and one want off their list. I’ve been doing this since I was little….it’s a tradition I did with my Mom. I hope my boys keep it up when I’m gone.
Now to my entire point of this post. I posted a photo of our growing presents under our Christmas tree on Facebook the other day (it is the above pic). I got a few comments that made me kinda feel bad but when I thought about it I realized I shouldn’t feel bad. Yes our kids have a ton of gifts under the tree. There is a reason to that. We don’t buy our kids gifts, toys, etc unless it’s their birthday or Christmas. They usually only get clothes when needed and at the beginning of school. We help others at Christmas and throughout the year and give w/out expecting anything in return. So now that I think about what we’ve got under our tree I don’t feel bad about it. There have been times where we’ve had just a few gifts under the tree because of hard times…so when we can give we give!
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!! Smile at someone daily….you just might make their day. 😀
by jcastles | Dec 2, 2013 | Crafts, Family, Holiday Crafts
Well today is Cyber Monday! Go to my Etsy Shop and see what’s happening!! Use coupon code: MESSIMONDAY13 to get 15% off your order!!

by jcastles | Nov 11, 2013 | Crafts, Holiday Crafts
The time has come…..I have now opened an Etsy Account!! All orders from now to November 27, 2013 will receive 10% off with the coupon code “messi10“!! Get your orders in now to beat the Holiday rush!!!
Here’s a direct link to my shop!

by jcastles | Nov 2, 2012 | Crafts, Family, Holiday Crafts, Uncategorized
They say when one door closes another one opens. Well, when becoming a mother again closed on me this amazing opportunity presented itself….and i’m am ecstatic!!
I had posted some photos of my crafts on my personal facebook page and was contacted by a friend asking if I’d like to be involved in a small business promo for the holidays for an organization she’s involved with (Sponsor Adoptions, Inc). At first I wasn’t sure I could do it. Not because of my time or the thought that I might not sell anything. I was actually afraid that I’d not be able to keep up with orders. So I guess that’s a good outlook, right? Well after a few hours worth of thinking it through I decided that I’d get involved in their Holiday Promo. The funny thing is that morning I was talking to my husband about selling cake balls for extra cash this holiday season. So i’m not doing cake balls, lol! Sorry friends!!
I am extremely excited about this opportunity. I’ve been making wreath’s and crafting on and off for years and have tossed the idea of selling my crafts but to get to actually do it is just wonderful!!
The next awesome thing is in December I’ll be taking my first Wilton Course at Michaels!! I know alot already but I hope this class will fill in the holes and make me better!
Here are a few of my favorite new items! For a better glimpse of my products visit my facebook page!
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