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So…the king of burgers has come to Texas.  Let me tell you first off I HATE burgers!!  Seriously I do.  But when my husband told me I had to try them I did.  And OMG OMG OMG let me tell you…WONDERFUL!!  I had fireworks in my mouth!

I think it was winter when the first one near us opened up.  The hubbs went very soon after it opened and kept telling me I needed to go.  So I eventually did and I crave it all the time now!!  I actually go in person to make my car payment around lunch just so I can eat there on my way home….how sad is that!

Then…it happened.  One close to my house opened up!  It’s still 10-15 minutes away but I got me a burger as soon as I knew they were open.  We actually went on Easter and they were closed…so I went a few days later.

My order- cheeseburger with spread only, fries-well done, and a coke!  Somehow I didn’t get a pic of the fries but they are also the BEST fries around!!  But just look at this burger!  See that cheese—yes I’m in LOVE!
