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Not much went on these 2 months.

My son Kennyth that has Crohn’s started a new therapy since the medicine they had him on wasn’t working.  He wasn’t a fan of the new meds but we’re glad he chose to go with it.  He’s getting IV therapy every 2 weeks for a few months then it will be every few months.


Then it was Halloween, getting my Etsy shop together for a big season, and of course Thanksgiving.  Here are some pics.

I don’t remember what Derryk’s costume was called but Kennyth was a ninja (big surprise, lol) and Jayson was his first superhero, Ironman.  I was a little sad about that too.  Does it mean no more cute costumes?!



Here are some of the new ornaments I made this season.





And then here’s Thanksgiving!!!  I made my crockpot turkey breast.  Other than the 6 hours the turkey took it only took me 1 hour to make Thanksgiving lunch!  Pretty awesome!!  1524668_10203884751731850_6176879223045122076_n